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日期 講員 講題 經歷
2011/3/3 Dr. Hisayuki Kubota Rainfall variability associated with typhoon and monsoon during the past 100 years over the western north Pacific Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
2011/3/7 李瑞麟 Representation of Boundary Layer Clouds in Numerical Model  Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA /UAS
2011/3/14 申博文 Genesis of Twin Tropical Cyclones Simulated by a Global Mesoscale Model: The Role of Mixed Rossby Gravity Wave UMCP/ESSIC and NASA/GSFC
2011/3/29 Dr. Wayne Higgins Advancing Climate Prediction at CPC: Current Status and Future Opportunities Director, Climate Prediction Center NCEP/NOAA USA
2011/4/11 Dr.Lidia Cucurull Assimilation of GPS Radio Occultation observations at NOAA/NCEP NCEP
2011/4/19 楊舒芝 Form Chaos to Predictability 中央大學大氣物理所
2011/4/21 Dr. Simon W. Chang The recent improvements of NRL NWP systems Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA, USA
2011/4/28 王重傑 非對稱降水與潛熱釋放對颱風路徑的影響: 以莫拉克颱風 (2009) 為例 國立台灣師範大學地球科學系
2011/5/17 洪秀雄 由海洋波動談起---並檢視2011年日本地震所引起的海嘯 中央大學
2011/5/24 Dr. Huei-Ping Huang‏ Two examples of regional climate simulations: impact of resolution and surface boundary conditions Assistant Professor Arizona State University, USA
2011/5/24 Dr. Huei-Ping Huang‏ Seasonal climate prediction for South America using a thermodynamically coupled model Assistant Professor Arizona State University, USA 
2011/5/25 劉雅章 Recent Progress in Climate Change Research GFDL-NOAA,USA 
2011/5/31 Dr. Wan-Shu Wu Recent Development in NCEP's GSI EMC/NCEP/NOAA,USA
2011/6/1 Dr. Melinda S. Peng COAMPS, Its Capability and Applications. Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA, USA
2011/6/15 余進義 The Central-Pacific ENSO in NCEP CFS Model and Its Extratropical Associations University of California, Irvine  USA
2011/6/15 余進義 El Nino-La Nina Asymmetries and Decadal ENSO  Modulation in CMIP Models University of California, Irvine  USA
2011/6/21 Dr. Joo-Hong Kim Track-pattern-based model for seasonal prediction of tropical cyclone activity in the western North Pacific National Taiwan University
2011/6/21 陳仲良 Where are we in seasonal prediction of TC activity? Hong-Kong City University
2011/6/22 童雅卿 氣象局OPGSST全球海溫預報結果 科技中心
2011/6/22 胡志文 氣象局CWB 2-tier CFSv1東亞季風與台灣氣候預報結果 科技中心
2011/6/22 蕭志慧 氣象局CWB Dynamical Downscaling System東亞與台灣氣候預報結果 科技中心
2011/6/22 李清藤 氣象局侵台颱風預報系統預報結果 科技中心
2011/6/22 賈新興 氣象局長期預報課預報看法 長期預報課
2011/6/23 王斌 Predictability of the East Asian summer monsoon intensity  University of Hawaii
2011/6/23 李天明 Large-scale control of multiple tropical cyclone events in western North Pacific University of Hawaii
2011/6/27 Dr. Vijay Tallapragada NCEP/EMC Operational Hurricane Modeling System HWRF Team Lead   NCEP/EMC, USA
2011/6/28 Dr. Sundararaman Gopalakrishnan NHC research and support NOAA's operation on hurricane forecast NOAA/AOML Hurricane Research Division, Miami, FL, USA
2011/6/28 Dr. Jian Wen Bao Hurricane forecast R & D NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, USA
2011/6/30 Dr. Robert Fovell Tropical Cyclone Motion: Why model physics matters? University of California, Los Angeles, USA
2011/6/30 陳得松 improvement of typhoon wrt(twrt) model for typhoon predication at cwb 中央氣象局科技中心助理研究員 
2011/7/11 Dr.  Nobuhito Mori Dynamic projection of ocean climate  Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University, JAPAN
2011/7/13 Dr.  Nobuhito Mori Dynamic and statistical projection of tropical cyclone statistics and storm surge Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University, JAPAN
2011/7/26 蘇明道  乾旱風險評估 台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系
2011/7/28 鮑興國 Form Probabilitic reasoning over time to kalman filter 台灣科技大學資訊工程所
2011/8/11 鮑興國 Introduction to Graphical Models,Directed and Undirected Models 台灣科技大學資訊工程所
2011/8/15 Dr. Hisayuki Kubota Typhoon tracks shift during the 20th century over the western north Pacific  Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan
2011/8/15 Dr. Hiroyuki Murakami Tropical cyclone climate projections by a 20-km-mesh high-resolution Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)、 Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Japan
2011/8/15 Dr. Hiroyuki Yamada Genesis of Typhoon Fengshen (2008) from vortex superposition: PALAU Field Experiment and Global Cloud-Resolving Simulation Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),Japan
2011/8/16 Dr.Takemasa Miyoshi‏ Advances and Challenges in Ensemble Data Assimilation Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA),Japan
2011/8/16 李瑞麟 Assessment of the Connections between Clouds, Precipitation and Radiation and Energy budgets for 20th Century IPCC AR 4th and 5th    Simulations JPL/NASA,USA
2011/8/17 張福龍 Recent Progress in Satellite Remote Sensing of Cloud National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA
2011/8/18 楊舒芝 From Chaos to Predictability part2:Handling the nonlinearity with EnHF 中央大學大氣物理所
2011/8/22 莊漢明 (1)A generalized hybrid coordinate and reduced spherical transform implemented in GFS
(2)A non-iterating dimensionally-split semi-Lagrangian advection for GFS dynamics
2011/8/26 申博文 Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Formation:Butterfly Effect vs. Multiscale Interactions UMCP/ESSIC and NASA/GSFC
2011/12/1 李天明 (1) Role of the boundary layer moisture asymmetry in causing the eastward propagation of MJO
(2) Two-way interactions between the synoptic-scale variability and MJO
IPRC and Department of Meteorology University of Hawaii,USA
2011/12/1 王斌 tropical ISO and extratropical severe weather during 2009-2011 IPRC and Department of Meteorology University of Hawaii,USA
2011/12/1 許晃雄 預報模式對於季內尺度天氣系統掌握程度之診斷分析 中央研究院
2011/12/12 郭鴻基 尺度分析與跨尺度動力研究 國立台灣大學大氣科學所
2011/12/22  鄭克聲 序率模式與模擬在氣象水文之應用
Stochastic modeling and simulation in meteo-hydrology
2011/12/22   短期氣候預報在水資源管理之應用研習會  
