NO 題名 作者
1 Remote Sensing of Three-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Cirrus Clouds : Application to Climate Research Kuo-Nan Liou (廖國男) S.C. Ou, P. Rolland, and Y. Gu
2 Intercomparison of the Characteristics of 6-year SMMR-SST and SHIP-SST Variations as Identified by Cross-Spectrum Analysis  Leslie C. S. Cheng(鄭志雄)
3 Seven-year SSM/I-derived global ocean surface turbulent fluxes Shu-Hsien Chou(周淑纖), Chung-Lin Shie, Robert M. Atlas and Joe Ardizzone
4 Sulfate Aerosol Generation in the Marine Atmosphere Roger J. Cheng(鄭均華)
5 An Assessment of the Effect of Sea-Surface Surfactants on Global Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes Wu-ting Tsai(蔡武廷), Kon-kee Lin
6 Assessment of the regional impacts of the 1997-98 El Nino from satellite-derived rainfall and sea surface temperature William K.-M. Lau(劉家銘)
7 A universal Strouhal-Reynolds-Froud-number relationship for trailing vorticies in a laminar free-surface flow Tong Chen, Allen T. Chwang(章梓雄)
8 Langmuir Circulation In A Shallow Sea  C. C. Mei(梅強中), Z. Huang
9 A Numerical Model Study Of The Deep Circulation In The South China Sea C.-S. Chern(陳慶生)
10 Synthetic Aperture Radar Indicators of Biological and Fisheries Activity in the Bering Sea Pablo Clemente-Colón, William G. Pichel, Ajit Subramaniam
11 Carbonate Chemistry of the South China Sea Chen-Tung ArthurChen(陳鎮東), Shu-Lun Wang, Bing-Jye Wang, Ching-Lin Liu
12 七股潟湖碳氮磷之生地化作用與預算模擬 郭芳旭、洪佳章
13 Constraints on Free Gas and Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments From Multi-channel Seismic data, offshore Southwestern Taiwan. Philippe Schnurle (史菲利), 宣大衡,劉家瑄
14 Dissolved Organic Iodine: Role in the Marine Geochemistry of Iodine George T.F. Wong(黃天福)
15 龜山島海底熱泉初步探測 郭富雯、陳鎮東
16 東海長江口特定海區沉積物生源硅的分布和積累及其環境意義 潘建明、周怀陽、扈傳昱、劉小涯
17 The South China Sea Warm Current Y. Hsueh(薛亞)
18 Oceanic data assimilation in the South China Sea Chau-Ron Wu, Ping-Tung Shaw(蕭屏東), Shenn-Yu Chao
19 Upper Ocean Circulation in the Northern South China Sea Huijie Xue(薛惠潔), Fei Chai, Neal Pettigrew, Danya Xu, Maochong Shi
20 A Limited Domain Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System: Application to Northern South China Sea Dong S. Ko(柯東山), Ruth H. Preller 
21 Nonlinear Internal Wave Interactin in the China Sea Antony K. Liu(劉安國), Ming-Kuang Hsu(許明光)
22 對黑潮入侵南海過程的一些觀察以及看法 王冑、陳慶生
23 中國海洋環境觀測系統的建設與發展 康壽嶺
24 海南島榆林灣水交換研究 管衛兵、王麗婭、董禮先
25 Dynamical Analysis of Coastal Lee Waves observed in AVHRR Images Xiaofeng Li(李曉峰), Quanan Zheng(鄭全安),W. G. Pichel, Xiao-Hai Yan,W. Timothy Liu, P. Clemente-Colon
26 On the Spatial Analysis of Shoaling Waves David W. Wang(王維紀), Paul A. Hwang, Jim A. Kaihatu
27 Remote Sensing Products for Ocean Applications William Y. Tseng(曾雲驥), Robert N. Stone, William G. Pichel, Pablo Clemente-Colón, Antony K. Liu(劉安國), Sunny Wu
28 Study the Bottom Topography in Taiwan Tan Ming-Kuang Hsu(許明光), Antony,k. Liu, Jou-Han Lee
29 The Atmospheric Correction of ROCSAT-1 OCI Imagery using near infrared radiance Gin-Rong Liu(劉振榮), Shin-Jen Huang 
30 Tropical Algal Bloom Monitoring by Sea Truth, Spectral, and Simulated Satellite Data I-I, Lin(林依依)
31 Mass Transport in Global Geophysical Fluids:Space Geodesy Monitoring B. F. Chao(趙丰)
32 A New Approach to Case 2 Water Satellite Sensing on the Pearl River Estuary, China Li Yan, Huang Wei, Deng Ming
33 北部沿岸風場與波浪特性之氣候分析-1998與1999浮標資料 李汴軍、范揚洺、楊康宏、葉曙純
34 Ocean Surface Roughness Inferred from Dual-Frequency Altimeter Backscattering Cross Sections Paul A. Hwang(黃安哲), William J. Teague, David W. Wang(王維紀), Gregg A. Jacobs
35 Numerical Experiments on Predicting Hurricane Caused Wind Waves Yung Y. Chao(趙榮耀)
36 NCEP Operational Ocean Wave Forecast Models H. S. Chen(陳炫杉)
37 Recent Advancement in Modeling of Wave Propogation and Breaking Waves in Surf Zone Philip L.-f. Liu, Chung-Sheng Wu
38 東北季風作用下彰濱海域風浪相關性分析 江文山、黃煌輝、高瑞琪
39 以有限元素法模擬大角度入射之波浪變形 許泰文、藍元志、林貴斌
40 國光平台與新竹浮標波高相關性分析 吳立中、董東璟、莊士賢、 李汴軍
41 碎波帶附近波浪與底床上懸浮載濃度特性之研究 林柏青、莊甲子、周憲德
42 兩個颱風波浪推算模式與衛星資料的比較 林文宗、梁乃匡、黃華興
43 應用SWAN模式於台灣西部海岸之波浪預測 歐善惠、許泰文、臧效義、廖建明、方介群
44 ERS_1 高度計資料在海浪分析和預報中的應用研究 季曉陽 (Xiaoyang Ji), Huang Runheng, and Lin Tiejun
45 Integrated Monitoring System for Pearl River Coastal Waters Jay-Chung Chen(陳介中), Ophelia Lee
46 Understanding and Predicting Coastal Circulation Based on Strategically Located Observation Stations-An Example From The Santa Barbara Channel Modeling Study L.-Y. Oey(黃如瑤)
47 Optimal Design for Long-term Environmental Monitoring Ronald J. Lai(賴瑞榮), Quanan Zheng, Jiayi Pan, Norden E. Huang
48 貝類偵測:臺灣地區有機錫與貝類性錯亂之研究 洪楚璋、許文葵、許元東、孟培傑
49 倒傳遞類神經網路在長時期潮汐預報之應用 蔡清標、李宗霖、謝榮哲、李汴軍
50 A Coastal Circulation Now/Forecast System For Texas-Louisiana Continental Shelf K.-J. Joseph Yip(葉國傑), Matthew K. Howard Robert O. Reid
51 Storm Surge Data Assimilation Aijun Zhang, Eugene Wei(魏靖松), Jye Chen
52 Tidal Predictions Using a Frequency-Domain Model Wen-Jye Juang (莊文傑), Ting-Kuei Tsay, Ming-Chung Lin
53 A numerical study on the behavior of tidal waves in the Taiwan Strait Sen Jan(詹森), Y.-H. Wang, C. –S. Chern, and J. Wang
54 基隆海域暴潮特性探討 臧效義、蕭松山、張文忠、王茂寅
55 Model-Generated Surface Wind Fields for Storm Surge and Ocean Wave Calculations:  A Case Study Hsiao-ming Hsu(徐曉明), Yueh-jiuan G. Hsu and Beng-chun Lee
56 Application of Multivariate Optimum Interpolation to Ocean Surface Current Analysis Dong-Ping Wang(汪東平)
57 淡水河河口受颱風暴潮影響水位之預報研究 蔡瀚陞、陳明仁
58 Data Quality Assurance and Measurement Technology Innovation in Coastal Ocean Monitoring H.H. Shih(史興華)
59 Role of Micro Bubbles in the Ocean S.C. Ling(林松青), H.P. Pao(鮑咸平)
60 Water Level and Sediment Load Monitoring Systems - An Update H.P. Pao(鮑咸平), S.C. Ling(林松青), E. W. Ling
61 台灣近海水文觀測現代化之發展 莊士賢、高家俊、蔡嘉蓉、金紹興
62 側掃聲納影像資料之收錄與處理系統 張逸中、田文敏
63 側掃聲納影像之併圖 林俊賢、宋國士
64 多音束測深之地形解析:以日月潭潭底地形為例 劉佩琨、宋國士
65 Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in ECDIS for Navigation Shwu-Jing Chang(張淑淨)
66 Pontoon Based Facilities for Offshere Applications Erick T. Huang(黃聰士)
67 An Implosion Sound Source for Undersea Exploration Applications Nai-chyuan Yen(言乃銓)
68 Coastal Bubble Sensors and Deployment Methods Ming-Yang Su(蘇明陽), Joel C. Wesson
69 Effects of Medium Inhomogenieties on Surface-Generated Ambient Noise Jin-Yuan Liu(劉金源), Chen-Fen Huang(黃千芬)
70 氣力揚升式人工湧升流初步海上實驗 梁乃匡、彭海鯤
71 直立防波堤前海流造成之底床沖刷預測 劉景毅、黃煌煇
72 台灣西海岸海堤災害成因與資料庫系統之初步建立 林呈、蔡清標、徐享昆、何宗浚、李宗霖、謝世圳
73 中央氣象局海象資料庫現況 徐月娟、陳進益、蔡恆雄、李汴軍
74 Abatement of Climate Change Impacts With Integrated Coastal Management Joseph C. Huang(黃其淦)
75 建立台灣的海洋保護區:法規與制度觀點 邱文彥
76 台灣海嘯災害 張國棟、徐月娟、許明光
77 海岸永續發展-開發與保育 黃清和、張金機