NO 題名 作者
2 The Seasonal Mean Response of the Asian Winter and Summer monsoon to ENSO Events Shiyan Tao and Qingyun Zhang  
3 A theory for the tropical tropospheric biennial oscillation C.-P. Chang and Tim Li 
4 Diagnostic study on the interaction between East Asian monsoon circulation and ENSO cycle in the tropical Pacific Ronghui Huang and Renhe Zhang  
5 Tropical interactions between the tropospheric biennial oscillation and ENSO Tim Li and C.-P. Chang 
6 Medium range forecast errors associated with active and break episodes of the monsoon Harry Hendon 
7 How persistent strong winter cold surge over Asia affect the SST anomaly along the equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean Wu, Guoxiong  
8 Evolution of moisture and cloud distribution during the first transition of Asian summer monsoon" Cheng-Ta Chen and Huang-Hsiung Hsu 
9 1997與1998年梅雨期台灣地區模式降水預報之校驗 葉天降、張美玉、潘琦
10 Interannual variaability of Meiyu rainfall and tropical SST during the East Asian summer monsoon  C.-P. Chang and Zhang, Yongshe  
11 General circulation model simulations of East Asia climate. Part 1. Regional climate characteristics W.-C. Wang, L. Zhu, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, W.-S. Kau, C.-T. Chen and X.-Z. Liang
12 Implementation of regional spectral model into CWB GFS for regional climate study and prediction   Hann-Ming Juang and Chih-Hui Shiao 
13 Surface heat budgets and sea surface temperature in the Pacific warm pool during TOGA COARE Shu-Hsien Chou, Wenzhong Zhao and Ming-Dah Chou, 
14 Understanding the annual cycle of latent heat fluxes over the equatorial Pacific H.-K. Lee, Pao-Shin Chu, C.-H. Sui,  and  K.-M. Lau
15 夏季亞洲地區 NCEP/NCAR, NASA/DAO 及 ECMWF 重分析資料之地面熱通量的比較 王嘉琪、許晃雄 
16 The interannual variability of East Asian winter monsoon and its connection with tropical circulation and ENSO Chen, Wen and Hans-F. Graf  
17 夏季季內振盪研究 翁春雄、許晃雄  
18 Sensitivity analysis using a dynamic spectral adjoint model Chien-Han John Tseng and Jen-Cheng Joseph Chang
19 Atmospheric and oceanic processes associated with the onset of the South China Sea monsoon William K. M. Lau  
20 Activities of summer monsoon over the South China Sea and severe flooding in China in 1998 Yihui Ding  
21 Mesoscale structure of convective weather systems observed during the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX): A preliminary survey T. D. Keenan,  J.-T. Wang,  P.-L. Lin, T.-C. Chen, and  Y.-C. Liou  and J. A. Kankiewicz
22 Transitional characteristics in the East Asian summer monsoon Jough-Tai Wang, Meng-Shih Chen, and Jyh-wen Hwu
23 南海季風實驗期間無人飛機探空資料之分析 林博雄、鄭文通、林民生、張忍成、曾俊二
24 Preliminary results from the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Sounding Network   Richard H. Johnson and P. Ciesielski  
25 Large-scale atmospheric circulation evolution associated with summer monsoon outbreak in the South China Sea Li, Chongyin and  Qu Xin 
26 Choice of Asian Summer Monsoon Index Wang, Bin and Fan, Zhen  
27 On South China Sea Summer monsoon onset: A possible scenario Jen-Cheng Joseph Chang  
28 Surface radiation budget analysis at Dungsha during SCSMEX Po-Hsiung Lin, Ming-Dah Chou, Si-Chee Tsay and Gin-Rong Liu
29 南海季風實驗期間整合探空系統之觀測分析 林沛練、賴信志、顏永安、夏天祐、任俊儒
30 Progress and plans for systematic approach to tropical cyclone track forecasts Russell Elsberry and L. Carr 
31 Tropical cyclone intensity forecasting at the National Hurricane Center Jiann-Gwo Jiing  
32 Impacts of water vapor winds on tropical cyclone predictions Melinda S. Peng 
33 Ensemble forecasting of tropical cyclone motion Johnny C. L. Chan and Kevin K. W. Cheung
34 Terrain effects on convective systems in southwesterly flow around Taiwan Chi-Sann Liou
35 A numerical simulation of vortex development during 1992 East Asian summer monsoon onset using U.S. Navy's regional model Yi, Lan,  C.-P. Chang and George T.J. Chen
36 Experience at the NCEP of the recent T170L42 upgrade Hua-Lu Pan
37 Application of NSCAT winds for tropical mesoscale rainfall forecast using U.S. Navy's regional model   C.-P. Chang,  Song-Chin Lin,  Chi-Sann Liou ,  and W. Timothy Liu,  
38 Parametric typhoon models for determining the sea level pressure and surface wind fields Yueh-Jiuan Hsu  
39 Numerical model study of landfalling tropical cyclone boundary layer winds Chia-Bao Chang  
40 熱帶低頻變異數值模擬 涂建翊、余嘉裕
41 The interaction between Hurricane Opal (1995) and a warm core eddy in the Gulf of Mexico Xiaodone Hong, Simon W. Chang and Nick Shay
42 Numerical simulation of Typhoon Herb (1996) Using MM5 Chun-Cheih Wu, Ying-Hwa Kuo, Wei Wang  and Tzu-Hsiung Yen
43 賀伯颱風結構之雙都卜勒雷達分析 曾吉暉、陳台琦  
44 Evolution of Typhoon Herb near Taiwan determined from satellite microwave observations L. Mitnik, K. S. Chen, J. T. Wang,  M. Mitnik  and M.K. Hsu
45 Performance of the typhoon forecast system in Taiwan in 1998 Der-Song Chen, K.-N. Huang, T.-C. Yeh,   M. S. Peng and S. W. Chang
46 Implementation of the GBVTD technique in nowcasting tropical cyclone wind fields using the WSR-88D level-IV data Wen-Chau Lee, Shirley T. Murillo,   Kurt Hondl,   Peter Dodge, Colin McAdie and Frank Marks,
47 颱風螺旋雨帶分析 張保亮、周仲島、楊明仁  
48 百年清侵台颱風路徑圖集及其應用 謝信良、王時鼎、鄭明典、葉天降  
49 What limits typhoon intensity? Greg Holland, Y. Wang and J. Kepert 
50 Barotropic dynamics of tropical cyclone motion Johnny C. L. Chan
51 A possible mechanism for the eye rotation of Typhoon Herb Hung-Chi Kuo  
52 Tropical large scale interactions and tropical cyclone development during the 1996-97 Australian monsoon C.-P. Chang, Sylvia Taylor and Bao-Fong Jeng
53 Impact of SST anomaly on the interannual variation of tropical storm activity in the western North Pacific Basin Wilbur Y. Chen  
54 Interannual variability of Asia-Pacific rainfalls and northwestern-Pacific typhoon activity Jau-Ming Chen and Feng-Ju Wang  
55 西太平洋颱風與 El Niño 關係研究 卓盈旻、 余嘉裕 
56 台灣梅雨季豪(大)雨之大尺度環流特徵 陳來發、呂國臣  
57 The investigation of typhoon by satellite cloud data 徐天佑、張凱軍、呂貴寶  
58 The role of mesoscale convergence on the localized rainfall during TAMEX IOP 3 Y. L. Chen and H. C. Yeh  
59 梅雨鋒面數值模擬降水參數方法之敏感度研究 楊明仁、簡芳菁  
60 簡單統計方法在台灣地區颱風降水預報之初步研究 葉天降、吳石吉 
61 氣象局全球颱風路徑數值預報系統 滕春慈、劉其聖、馮欽賜  
62 台灣夏半年乾熱型西南季風之分析 劉昭民、蒲金標、蘇世孟  
63 對流可用位能 (CAPE) 在應用上的延伸 洪景山、周仲島 
64 熱帶內外系統對台灣地區梅雨季豪大雨貢獻之診斷研究 張培臣、劉廣英  
65 衛星探空反演在中尺度天氣系統之分析冷心低壓個案之分析 陳萬金、馬屏龍 
66 飛沫效應對熱帶氣旋發展的影響 汪建良  
67 Some observational results from a new Doppler radar at Green Island Hsi Shen 
68 單都卜勒氣象雷達風場定位颱風中心之研究 李金萬、蔡永智、楊健生  
69 台灣東部東北季風演變之分析研究 蒲金標、曾憲瑗、蔡正德、楊進賢、郭忠暉
70 颱風天氣狀況東亞硫沉降及輸送研究 王自發、劉廣英、蕭玲鳳  
71 Aspect of the seasonal and interannual variability of climatic condition over Indonesia maritime continent and their impact Sri Diharto  
72 A study on indicators/indices of tropical cyclone variability/change in the Philippine vicinity ( 1948-1997 ) Leoncio A. Amadore, A. M. Jose and V. C. Manalo III
73 The occurrence of tropical cyclones in Thailand and their impact Somsri Huntrakul and Wit Worakupt
74 ENSO and its relationship with winter-spring temperature and rice productivity in the north of Vietnam Bui Minh Tang
75 Several aspect relates with climate variation, development wildfires and haze pollution over maritime continent of Indonesia during 1991-1998 Paulus Agus Winarso 
76 Long-rang planning of coastal regions for global warming impacts: An example in Japan Harvey Shapiro 
77 聖嬰現象對台灣地區降雨量之影響 馬家驎  
78 論文作者  
79 關鍵詞